Saturday 15 January 2011


Since music has already been mentioned i thought that these few images could also be a good idea. Bob Dylan was classified as the cool sort of 'bad guy' of his generation. His iconic look of rayban glasses and messy hair shot in black and white is something we could play around with, change to colour? different hair, glasses? strange face paint etc..

Facepaint reminds me of the famous david bowie image which has also been redone in lady gaga's video. It could definitely be redone in a quirky fashionable way, playing with colour blocking etc.. just another idea.


1 comment:

  1. i love the david bowie images + facepaint designs . I think it could make for a really interesting final image there has been several music legends who wear facepaint and almost a part of identity such as kiss , boy george etc . I agree with you rach we could do a lot with this image and it could easily be appropriated into a quirky style .
    charlotte oloughlin x
